In the most difficult seasons of my life, my God will protect me!
(Psalms 23:4) '4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.'
Scripture Thoughts:
The 23rd Pslams is a very familiar piece of scripture, and the 4th verse is spoken even by non-Christians as it is so well known. The 4th verse speaks of God's protection when we are on our loneliest parts of the journey, the most difficult seasons. The part of the journey where it is just you and God. The season it speaks of is so treacherous that it seems death is surrounding you, and it seems so real that the shadow of death may become a reality in your life. But then you realize that God, through His Word, is telling us to fear no evil, for His rod and His staff is going to protect us and comfort us as He leads us through this portion of our life. The Lord's rod is a symbol of the Lord’s strength and protection, and the staff of the Lord is a symbol of the Lord’s leadership, guidance, and lovingkindness.
My Thoughts:
I personally love this verse as I do the entire 23 Psalms. When I meditate on this scripture and truly take it in, I know that God is with me and will never leave me nor forsake me (the people who love and follow Him). God leads His loved ones through the most difficult of seasons, and He tells them not to be fearful because He goes before them, protecting them on the journey He has set before them. I love how verse 4 starts, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death," simply meaning, I don't have to run because I am not in fear, even though some things I hear and see may frighten me momentarily. The reason I can walk is that God is putting a hedge of protection all around me so that my enemy can only go so far.
I will be able to see everything that the enemy is doing, but I am not supposed to be moved by it even though it may seem scary, may be painful, and even difficult to understand. Even though my enemy may seem close to me, the Lord is one who will knock him away from me and provide my daily protection. God is telling me that He has me, and this may be a shadow of death, but it is definitely not the real thing. Because of the Lord's protection and my faith in Him, I do not have to live in any fear, even though I might be in one of the darkest places of my life. I know now, moving forward, that the Lord is my light, and as long as I see Him, I will come out of this valley, and the shadow of death will not take ahold of me.

Pray and seek God's wisdom and understanding as you as going through the hardships you are experiencing.
Ask your Heavenly Father to help you to understand His Word and give you the wisdom and understanding needed to act upon it.
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Take Care Family,
Pastor Charles
Check Out The Book "Wounded Soul: Death Lived Inside Me" by Pastor Charles Myles
Also Available on Amazon.
©Copyright Charles R. Myles II 2022
God bless you sis!
God is our good shepherd and I know I'm among the flock that he watches over! He's my father in heaven who will Correct, Love, Mentor and most of all Teach me to be the Best Spiritual being possible and I might stumble, fall, and even get hurt, but God is there to pick me up and forgive me! I thank God Everyday that he didn't allow me to STRAY to far away