A lot of people don't understand how to show love toward God. If you don't, read this!
(John 15:!3 ESV) '13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.'

Scripture Thought:
Jesus made a strong statement concerning love, a statement that requires that we lay down our lives for our friends. Of course, in this statement, Jesus was going to be the example of true love. He did this by giving His life up for the people in this world, not just Christians (John 3:16). In (1 John 4:19) scripture says, "we love because He first loves us" this is important that we understand God demonstrated His love for us (through Jesus) by dying on the cross on our behalf. Taking our punishment, grating us mercy, and giving us a chance to be covered by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ by choosing Him as Lord and Savior.
Okay, you might have already known that, so let's get to the part where you lay down your life for Jesus. What, I have to die for Jesus now? Yes, but not necessarily, let me explain. Jesus asked us, the people who choose to call Him Lord and Savior, to become a living sacrifice for Him. This requirement means as a follower of Christ, that we do what the Word of God asks us to do. We lay down our lives by being obedient to Him and His Word. When Jesus made the statement, “Take up your cross and follow Me,” that meant that we must be willing to die unto ourselves in order to follow Jesus. This is called “dying to self.” This is how we lay our lives down and surrender to the life Jesus has asked us to live.
Jesus must be master over us and not the things of this world. In (Luke 6:46 ESV) '“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?" Many people may say they believe in Jesus but following Him makes all the difference. Just to be around Him is not enough; to act in obedience to His Word means everything. I don't think Jesus could have made it any plainer to understand than this. (John 14:21 ESV) "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” This is what laying down your life is and how you truly show love for God.
My Thoughts:
True love toward God is based on obedience to Him, which requires sacrifice. Simple to say and somewhat difficult to do. Most people must change their entire lives to line up with the Word of God, I know I did. Even though the sacrifice is difficult, you will find out soon enough that it is more than worth it. The key to being successful in changing your life is not to give up on God and His Word, no matter the cost (this is where the sacrifice comes in). You will have all the strength to go through the hardships because the Lord will make sure you do. It is your fleshly willpower that you will have to overcome inside of you so that you become the person God created you to be.
Seek God continually in your life. Seek to know Him and His Word better on a consistent basis because this will give you a better understanding of who He is as you develop a greater relationship with Him.
Ask your Heavenly Father to help you to understand His Word and give you the wisdom and understanding needed to act upon it.
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Take Care Family,
Pastor Charles
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©Copyright Charles R. Myles II 2022