For the better part of my whole life, I have understood that I am responsible for my actions. Whether my results were good, bad, or indifferent, I know that they were the choices that I have made. I have realized one MAJOR thing as I continue to grow older and a little wiser.
How I have responded or reacted to everything that has taken place in my life was up to me! Depending on where your mindset is concerning your present conditions, this can be a good thing, a bad thing, or just whatever. In dealing with these thoughts, one thing that I struggle with is the thought process of, ‘I wish’ I could change the past.
The past haunts me; could-haves, would-haves, should-haves, are all thoughts that trouble me when I sit still for a moment. Sometimes I am unhappy with my present conditions, as long as I am looking at them through the ‘lenses of the past.’ On the other hand, I find, if I look at my present conditions through the ‘lenses of the present and future,’ there is an opportunity for me to change my outlook on life, make some changes, and put the past behind me so that tomorrow will be different then today.

Most people have heard this statement before, ‘you cannot change the past,’ but this does not stop you from living in it. Even though the past may haunt you, it does not mean that you have to stay stuck in it. You can find a way through Jesus to help you move past those hang-ups that you are holding on to. In (Philippians 3:13 NIV) brother Paul tells us, “but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” The past is a powerful force in some of our lives, ‘it is so powerful that it is controlling our present future.’ We must take action immediately if we want different results! We must work on changing our mindset and actions to where the past no longer is in control of our future actions and happiness.
This can be accomplished through Christ Jesus, but only when you take action to rely on Him genuinely. The hurts and the pains may not go away overnight, but they will eventually get better, and you will be able to move on. You will learn to find hope and the promise of a new you in Christ Jesus and His Word in due time if you don’t give up and endure through the present trials.
You have trusted in yourself and your pains long enough, give the One Eternal Lord a chance to help you truly. It is time that you choose life and not the hurts and pains that surround you. The past must become a thing of the past. No longer a dominant force in your life but a testimony of your ‘perseverance to overcome’ that which tried to destroy you.
So remember, don’t look for change if you have not made any changes. When you decide to make a change, stay with it even though it may hurt and cause you pain. Some of our greatest and sweetest victories in life will only take place if you decide to push past the pain!
Once you become victorious in the areas that tormented you, you will become a blessing to others by encouraging them to victory through your story. You will be able to tell them and teach them how to overcome similar issues in their lives. As brother Paul said in, (Romans 8:18 NIV) “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
You are only a step away from becoming victorious over the things that hurt you if you stay consistent in your walk, so make a choice to move forward and take the steps (action) needed to move past your pain. Keep your eyes pointed straight ahead because looking back seems to hurt too much, besides there is nothing back there you can change anyway!
May God’s Love Surround You Always!
Charles (past some things and working on others).