Can you put all of your Trust in God, if so, how?
(Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV) '5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'

Scripture Thoughts:
A very popular couple of scripture verses tell us as the reader to put all of our trust, which consists of our hope, belief, faith, present, future, and unknown circumstances, in the Lord. It is easy to say this scripture, but it is another thing to perform it. All we have is our understanding, and it has led us to the place where we are today, good, bad, or indifferent. If we are in a rough spot or have been here for years, it may seem easy to let go of our understanding because it hasn't worked out for us in the past in any way. For some of us, our understanding has given us the blessing this world has to offer us, and then I would ask why we should let it go as it has worked out in our favor.
In both of these circumstances, we have to be so careful of holding on to what we know in comparison to the all-knowing (God). God's wisdom and understanding is infinite and surpasses all others' wisdom and knowledge, and therefore should be trusted above all others' wisdom and understanding, including our own. God's wisdom and understanding should NOT even be compared to mankind's wisdom as it is written in scripture in (Isaiah 55:8 NIV) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'
My Thoughts:
God is not asking us to turn off our minds, He wants us to use our understanding, the wisdom gained through experience, and the knowledge we have learned over the years. The key is when we really truly give our lives to Lord, we must submit our understanding to His understanding, and this is what Proverbs 3:6 speaks of. Submitting our will and understanding to our Heavenly Father takes humility and shows your willingness to be led by the Lord rather than yourself or any other person. In the end - to fully trust the Lord is based on your ability to submit to His Lordship and we do this by surrendering our lives to Him daily.
Continue to work on submitting yourself daily to the will of God and you do this by being obedient to His word on a daily basis.
Ask your Heavenly Father to help you to understand His Word and give you the wisdom and understanding needed to act upon it.
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Take Care Family,
Pastor Charles
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©Copyright Charles R. Myles II 2022