Will the Lord ensure I have what I need?
(Psalms 34:10 NASB) '10 The young lions do without and suffer hunger; But they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing.'
Scripture Thoughts:
This is a powerful scripture that can kind of seem strange if you just read it at the surface level. This scripture requires us to meditate (think deeply) on it, and then we can start to see the fullness of it. The scripture starts with "the young lions"; this is not young as in baby lions but think young as in young adult lions in their prime when they are their most fierce, their most dominant, and they can provide for themselves. The thought process is lions are the strongest beasts of prey, most capable of providing for themselves, and they will still suffer lack. Even they will have some needs which they cannot provide for themselves.
Then the writer of the Psalm (under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit) immediately shifts the passage over to say, "but they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing." We first must understand that the writer is now talking about men and women. We are the only creature on this Earth will the ability to choose for God. Animals run primarily on instinct, but we humans have the ability to choose, to say yes or no. When we choose to seek the Lord and go after Him, this verse tells us we will not lack any good thing because the Lord will provide it for us.

My Thoughts:
Pursuing God is what all people should do, but only those who actually seek after Him have the assurance of this scripture. A lot of times, unfortunately, people think scripture automatically applies to them when the scripture has a positive outcome attached to it, and this is simply NOT true. Most times, scripture mentions something which a person must do for the Lord (seeking, obeying, praying, having faith, trusting, etc.) to receive the fullness of the blessing from Him. This scripture in Psalms 34:10 is written in the same context! When we truly seek the Lord, that is when we will start to understand who God is. God, for His part, is saying that now that you have chosen Me, I will do what I said I would do. The written Word of God tells us in (Number 23:19 ESV) '19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?' With that, we can be assured that God will do what He promised.
On another note, does that mean we will not have any hard days, difficult seasons, or rough years in our story? We will absolutely have them, the difference is that we have our Lord to help us go through them. He is One who will provide, heal, make whole, comfort, build up, restore, etc. Our Lord is always going to be the difference maker in our lives. As long as we have Him, we will not lack any good thing why because He Himself, in actuality, is 'the good thing.'
Pray and seek God's wisdom and understanding as you meditate on God's Word. Take a deep look into your life and make sure that you are always seeking our Lord.
Ask your Heavenly Father to help you to understand His Word and give you the wisdom and understanding needed to act upon it.
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Take Care Family,
Pastor Charles
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©Copyright Charles R. Myles II 2022
Amen! Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wilderness without a compass, but father God is my provider and he'll provide shelter from the rain and if he provides food for the birds I know the Lord will provide ALL of my NEEDS because he is my father and nothing is to HARD OR BIG WHEN IT COMES TO GOD! Thank you father God for Always Making a WAY out of NOWAY! I LACK NOTHING amen 🙏🏽