
Charles Myles
Oct 10, 20224 min read
Guarding Your Heart: Weekly Devotional
Question: What does the Bible mean by the heart, and how do I guard it? (Proverbs 4:23 NIV) '23) Above all else, guard your heart, for...
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Charles Myles
Oct 10, 20223 min read
How Do I Humble Myself Before God
Lord teach me to humble myself before you so that I might receive what you have for me! (1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV) '6 Humble yourselves,...
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Charles Myles
Oct 7, 20223 min read
How Do I Show My Love towards God
A lot of people don't understand how to show love toward God. If you don't, read this! (John 15:!3 ESV) '13 Greater love has no one than...
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Charles Myles
Oct 6, 20223 min read
Throwing Away My Blessing
How many times have we, as people, traded away the blessing and promises of God for something inferior in our lives? (Genesis 25:29-33...
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Charles Myles
Oct 5, 20223 min read
God Will Supply My Needs?
God knows we have needs here on this Earth and he is willing to provide and support us under certain conditions. (Matthew 6:33 ESV) '33...
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Charles Myles
Oct 4, 20223 min read
The Lord Will Help His People To Rise
One of the most important factors in overcoming adversity is rising when you fall. Will you rise or just continue stumbling? (Proverbs...
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Charles Myles
Oct 3, 20222 min read
I Am Putting My Trust In You Lord
Can you put all of your Trust in God, if so, how? (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV) '5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own...
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Charles Myles
Oct 2, 20224 min read
Do You Want What The Lord Has For You? Weekly Devotional
It is time you prepare yourself to receive what the Lord is giving you! Scripture: The Parable of the Sower explained (Luke 8:4-8 NLT) '4...
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Charles Myles
Sep 30, 20223 min read
Success Comes With Going Through The Process
The process prepares you for the blessings to come (Joshua 1:8 NIV 1984) 'Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;...
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Charles Myles
Sep 29, 20223 min read
The Lord Will Provide For Those That Seek Him
Will the Lord ensure I have what I need? (Psalms 34:10 NASB) '10 The young lions do without and suffer hunger; But they who seek the Lord...
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Charles Myles
Sep 28, 20223 min read
Trying to Please Man or God?
How I live my life matters to God! (Galatians 1:10 ESV) '10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please...
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Charles Myles
Sep 26, 20222 min read
My Suffering Brought Me Near You!
Hardships, trials, and tribulations have a way of making us focus on what is real in our lives! (Psalms 119:71) '71 My suffering was good...
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Charles Myles
Aug 1, 20192 min read
Wounded Soul The Book - What Is It About?
Information and questions about the book Wounded Soul: Death Lived Inside Me by Charles R. Myles II #1 Question: What is the book about?...
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